MARPOL (The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships) is an international treaty developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) aimed at minimizing pollution from ships, including offshore platforms like FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading units). The convention establishes regulations to control various forms of pollution caused by ships and offshore installations, with the goal of protecting the marine environment.
A FPSO must obtain before commencing operations MARPOL certificates . These surveys and certifications ensure compliance with international environmental standards and help protect the marine environment:
- IOPP Certificate Survey
- IAPP Certificate Survey
- ODME Certification an Installation Survey
- AWS Certification an Installation Survey
- Sewage Treatment System Survey

Overall MARPOL Compliance for FPSO’s
For FPSO’s and offshore oil and gas operations, MARPOL’s provisions aim to prevent environmental damage by controlling the discharge of harmful substances into the sea. FPSO operators must ensure that their operations meet the technical and operational requirements specified in the MARPOL annexes, including:
Monitoring & Reporting
Continuous tracking of discharge activities, ensuring accurate documentation and compliance with MARPOL regulations.
Pollution Control
Installation and maintenance of pollution control equipment (e.g., oil separators, sewage treatment systems, garbage handling facilities).
Crew Training
Proper training of crew members to ensure compliance with MARPOL standards.
Incident Reporting
Record-keeping and reporting of any incidents or discharges to relevant authorities.